
About Me:

I am a PhD Candidate in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My research focuses on wartime decision-making, military strategy and operations, and civil-military relations. I am a member of the MIT Security Studies Program, and my research has received support from the MIT Center for International Studies and from the Smith-Richardson Foundation.

Before starting at MIT, I worked from 2017 to 2019 as a researcher and writer in the Office of the Deputy Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations, focusing on the counter-ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria, within the Department of Defense. I earned my A.B. from Harvard University in 2017 in History.

Outside of my academic work, I am an avid film enthusiast, and I enjoy writing short reviews of the movies I watch, which can be found here. I also enjoy books and bookstores, running, and spending time with my loved ones, friends, and family. If you have questions about me or my work, please don’t hesitate to be in touch!